Friday, October 29, 2010

"We Lived in Farms, Then We Lived in Cities, And Now We're Gonna Live on the Internet!"

The Social Network.

 Ok.  So i usually try to find things that you may not have heard about, so i go to bed feeling like i did my part to 'enlighten' someone.  Even though i'm pretty sure, no one reads this.  But regardless, this is obviously not something that has 'flown under the radar', i mean it is the 5th most popular movie in America right now.  But i'm writing about it anyways.  Because it's my blog and i can do what i want.  

You would think this movie would not be all that interesting, but then you look at the director.
David Fincher... known for... 
(What movie?  hint: it's not a trick question, the obvious answer is the right answer, don't be stupid.)

and then you look at the writer... Aaron Sorkin... who is known for:

(another no-brainer.)

Anyways, the point i was going for here was that with Fincher and Sorkin on a project it's hard to go in thinking it is gonna be bad... plus this movie has one of the coolest trailers i've seen this year or in recent memory...

First things first, after seeing this.  Jesse Eisenberg is really talented.  At first i just thought he was simply the better version of Michael Cera... but the more i see him, the more he impresses me.  i've believed in every single character he's ever put in front of an audience.  This is a fabulous performance on his part, everything about him, his movement patterns, his speaking cadence, the way he used the script to strengthen all of his decisions just blew me away.  Speaking of the script, Aaron Sorkin took a movie that was made quite some time ago about Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, and was very boring (See... Pirates of Silicon Valley) and instead made a very entertaining, colorful, and smart character study about all the problems that guys face when they are going through their 20's. (only with these guys add billions of dollars to the stakes.)

Another tricky part of this movie was that, after thinking about it for a few hours, i'm still not sure whose side i ended up on.  Fincher and co. did such a good job of storytelling, that i still haven't decided who is right.  For example: Upon exiting the movie theater all i wanted to do when i got home was delete my facebook account.  What did i actually do when i got home?  i updated my facebook status.  Which in turn made me feel kind of sick... this guy (Zuckerberg) is like 2 years older than me, and he's a billionaire and controls the cyber world... me?  i blog on my outdated macbook.  Damn theatre degree.

Anyways great movie and since the year is starting to wind down, i'm gonna go ahead and throw this out... Sorkin wins an oscar for his screenplay, and Eisenberg should at least be nominated for one for his role as Mark Zuckerberg.  Also really great performances by the rest of the cast.  Justin Timberlake was surprisingly good, there was just enough Rooney Mara to make me really excited about her upcoming work on the Millenium Trilogy, and Andrew Garfield was fabulous, he was recently a confusing casting choice for this:

Untitled Spider-Man Reboot

but after seeing him work, i'm really excited to see some more films from him.

(speaking of recent superhero change of hearts i have had, have you seen this:) 
Captain America

i was not happy about Chris Evans being cast as Cap'... but he does look pretty badass in the costume...

one last thing

Okay... i'm way off topic now.  But like i said, it's my blog.  Sue me... ha.  Do you get it?  No?  Go see The Social Network you will get it.

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