This is what i watched tonight. The title is a quote by the films main character, Larry Gopnik, and it pretty much sums up the way i feel about the movie. i Couldn't really figure anything out. This was nominated for a best picture Oscar? i don't understand that either. it Was directed by these guys:
That's right it's the Coen Brothers. Remember The Big Lebowski? Remember Fargo? Remember O Brother Where Art Thou? Do you think they do? i feel like they are moving further and further away from those almost mythological story lines that they once created. in Fact this one, to me, borders on mundane, and at some points i felt like i was missing the comedy because i wasn't jewish. Exclusion leads to investigation, investigation leads to enlightenment... right?
While i wasn't a huge fan of this movie, i find that everything the Coen brothers have done recently can be described in a 6 step process. Step 1: i watch it. Step 2: i am not impressed. Step 3: i forget about it completely. Step 4: one day somewhere down the road i realize what the movie was really about. Step 5: i watch the movie again. Step 6: i am thoroughly impressed. i guess time will tell if this process is going to continue.
i have always thought the Coen brothers were kind of smug. But when you really think about it. if i set out to be thought provoking to the masses... and i succeeded, i suppose i would be smug as well. Somewhere the Coen brothers are laughing at all of us for reading so much into every move they make.
*on a side note i have now seen all ten oscar nominated movies from 2009 (finally). i agree with the result.
Oh, and one last parting nod to Ethan and Joel Coen. i am pretty excited about this.
... maybe i should go as Ethan Coen for Halloween this year.
I'm surprised you didn't like it. I thought it was beautifully filmed. we should talk about it sometime.