So i was watching this guy the other day ^ for obvious reasons (i watch iD4 every Wednesday. Duh.) and some of the things he said really stuck with me. Let me just take a minute to show you an excerpt from this masterful speech.
"We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight. We're going to live on. We're going to survive."
Basically Bill Pullman nails it. Always. No questions asked.
The point that i'm trying to make here as you wade through the sarcasm is that i am pretending he inspired me to not give up on my fancy little blog. As bad as this blog is and as much as all 4 or 5 of you that read this could care less about my opinion i missed sharing my favorite things. So i am pleased to announce that after a year long hiatus i'm going to give another shot to keeping this updated because in my head, it's 2001 and blogs are still awesome. And i would never want to let down Bill Pullman.
Also... i'm bored. in fact, disregard everything above this. it's really because i'm super bored.
Things i saw, thought i'd share:
So i was trying to think of all the awesome things i could write so that the 5 people that read this would be like, "Oh wow, what a sweet comeback it was better than Mickey Rourke's and Robert Downey Jr.'s combined!!"
Here were some ideas i had.
Why it's a bad idea: it's July. The oscars were like a million years ago. Missed my window there. (1.Hugo, 2.Warrior, 3.Drive, 4.The Descendants, 5.Moneyball, 6.Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, 7.The Help, 8.The Ides of March, 9.Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, 10.The Debt.)
Why it's a bad idea: The poster alone sends me into a rage blackout. i hate this movie. i only get so many days off and Liam Neeson ruined one of them immediately. i can never get that time back that you took from me Liam. Never.
Also this is a real thing so it doesn't even look like he's going to redeem himself in the near future
Why it's a bad idea: you don't need my help to get hype about this. it's redundant. if you don't know about this movie you probably don't know how to work the internet. Which means you aren't reading this.
Summer time is not really a good time for this then i guess... so much for my epic comeback blog post. i'm gonna just stay away from movies and share a few things that have been hanging out on my Pandora bookmarks list.
Things i HEARD, Thought i'd share:
i spent about two hours this morning just going back and listening to everything i had bookmarked on Pandora in the last 6 or 7 months. Some of this stuff is pretty old, but it's new to me so you'll have to deal. Here are the highlights.
One Red Thread - Blind Pilot (2008)
Here We Are - Patrick Park (2007)
Charming the Flames - Fields (2007)
my two favorites of my music marathon today had some really awesome videos to go along with great songs so here are those two:
Coconut Records - (2007)
The Temper Trap (2009), this one is especially fantastic these kids are freaking awesome. Temper Trap also released a new album last month so check that out too. It's self titled.
Parting shot:
My roommate introduced me to this band, and then i started hearing about them all over the place, you probably have as well. But just in case you don't know them yet i would love to be the one to introduce you to The Lumineers.
Here is the first single from their debut album
and my favorite from them
They are streaming their music for free on their website, which is linked above.
Awesome, i am no longer bored. As always if you got this far thank you for reading my fancy little blog. if you didn't get this far i don't care.
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