Friday, July 6, 2012

i missed my 'Fancy Little Blog'

So i was watching this guy the other day ^ for obvious reasons (i watch iD4 every Wednesday.  Duh.)  and some of the things he said really stuck with me.  Let me just take a minute to show you an excerpt from this masterful speech.

  "We will not go quietly into the night.  We will not vanish without a fight.  We're going to live on.  We're going to survive."

Basically Bill Pullman nails it.  Always.  No questions asked.  

The point that i'm trying to make here as you wade through the sarcasm is that i am pretending he inspired me to not give up on my fancy little blog.  As bad as this blog is and as much as all 4 or 5 of you that read this could care less about my opinion i missed sharing my favorite things.  So i am pleased to announce that after a year long hiatus i'm going to give another shot to keeping this updated because in my head, it's 2001 and blogs are still awesome.  And i would never want to let down Bill Pullman.  

Also... i'm bored.  in fact, disregard everything above this.  it's really because i'm super bored.


Things i saw, thought i'd share:

So i was trying to think of all the awesome things i could write so that the 5 people that read this would be like, "Oh wow, what a sweet comeback it was better than Mickey Rourke's and Robert Downey Jr.'s combined!!"  

Here were some ideas i had.

 Why it's a bad idea:  it's July.  The oscars were like a million years ago.  Missed my window there.  (1.Hugo, 2.Warrior, 3.Drive, 4.The Descendants, 5.Moneyball, 6.Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, 7.The Help, 8.The Ides of March, 9.Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, 10.The Debt.)

Why it's a bad idea:  The poster alone sends me into a rage blackout.  i hate this movie.  i only get so many days off and Liam Neeson ruined one of them immediately.  i can never get that time back that you took from me Liam.  Never.
Also this is a real thing so it doesn't even look like he's going to redeem himself in the near future

Why it's a bad idea: you don't need my help to get hype about this.  it's redundant.  if you don't know about this movie you probably don't know how to work the internet.  Which means you aren't reading this.

Summer time is not really a good time for this then i guess... so much for my epic comeback blog post.  i'm gonna just stay away from movies and share a few things that have been hanging out on my Pandora bookmarks list.  

Things i HEARD, Thought i'd share:

i spent about two hours this morning just going back and listening to everything i had bookmarked on Pandora in the last 6 or 7 months.  Some of this stuff is pretty old, but it's new to me so you'll have to deal.  Here are the highlights.

my two favorites of my music marathon today had some really awesome videos to go along with great songs so here are those two:

Coconut Records - (2007)


The Temper Trap (2009), this one is especially fantastic these kids are freaking awesome.  Temper Trap also released a new album last month so check that out too.  It's self titled.

Parting shot: 
My roommate introduced me to this band, and then i started hearing about them all over the place, you probably have as well.  But just in case you don't know them yet i would love to be the one to introduce you to The Lumineers.

Here is the first single from their debut album

and my favorite from them

They are streaming their music for free on their website, which is linked above.

Awesome, i am no longer bored.  As always if you got this far thank you for reading my fancy little blog.  if you didn't get this far i don't care.

Friday, January 14, 2011

My Top Ten Movies of 2010

Hey-oh.  My top ten movies of the year, just before i start i have a disclaimer.
Disclaimer: I have not yet seen these movies, i don't have a job.  if you'd like to buy me a ticket to any of these movies, i would enjoy your donation: Black Swan, True Grit, Blue Valentine, 127 Hours.  (I did see Kids Are All Right.  I hated that movie.  I'm sorry.)
Now that i've disclaimed, here are MY top ten movies of 2010, i will try not to be as long-winded (long-fingered?) as i was with my albums.  Here you go...

10. Winter's Bone
Winter's Bone
Directed By: Debra Granik
Released: September
This was a very subtle story of a backwoods town wrapped up in addiction, misguided loyalty, and extreme poverty.  Conditions are so awful in this small town, you almost forget it's set in this country.  Wonderful performances by Jennifer Lawrence and John Hawkes.  Unfortunately it's all build, denouement of this story left me feeling a little bit gipped.
9. Robin Hood
Robin Hood
Directed by: Ridley Scott
Released: May
To everyone that hated this movie.  I hate you.  I continue to be flabbergasted at the horrible press this movie received and continues to receive.  Yes, if you were expecting a classic version of Robin Hood, you went to the wrong movie.  This movie focuses more on the creation of Robin Hood.  The new spin on an old story (that has been DONE a million times) is what makes this such an incredible movie.  Departing from classic conceits is the main reason this works so well.  Ridley Scott and Brian Helgeland (director/writer) along with the cast create rich, thoughtful characters.  And as expected the stellar cast does a stellar job and it contains good action sequences.  If you're a huge fan of the classic Robin Hood, like i am, most of the fun of this movie is finding the nuance woven in with a new story.    
8. The American
The American
Directed by: Anton Corbijn
Released: September
Blink and you missed this one.  For Clooney it was a wonderful follow-up to Up In The Air.  The American, plot-wise, is the story of the lifestyle of a freelance American weapon-maker living in Italy.  What unfolds is a wonderful metaphor on the American nation from the eyes of an outsider.  My problem is this movie was advertised as an action movie.  it's not, it's more art house than action, but beautiful cinematography and another subtly strong performance by George Clooney was far more captivating than the 'shoot-em-up' flick i was expecting.
7. Jack Goes Boating
Jack Goes Boating
Directed by: Philip Seymour Hoffman
Released: September
Philip Seymour Hoffman's directing debut, Jack Goes Boating, is based on a play of the same name.  A simple debut for PSH that very quietly creeps into your emotional core.  It's funny, it's sweet, and it's heart-breaking.  While Hoffman does an adequate job in his directing debut, you can very clearly tell that  this is a piece that was lifted from the stage.  The long scenes and minimal locations make this a movie about human relationships and about brilliant acting (Particularly for John Ortiz).  I am also partial to this one because i watched it screened in NYC the night before it's major debut and sat in on a Q&A with the cast.  A humbling/enlightening experience to listen to each of them.  Maybe that's why it made my list... maybe it won't affect you the same way, but out of everything on my top 10 this is the one i hope sits with you.
6. The King's Speech
The Kings Speech
Directed by: Tom Hooper
Released: December
It's not often that a movie comes along with a lot of drama, a sharp message, and an uplifting story (a good movie, anyways).  This hits all those points.  The story of the rise of King George VI and how he overcame his impediments to become a rallying point for a nation at war.  I'm a big fan of Tom Hooper's off balanced shot composition and it facilitated his storytelling very well.  Colin Firth doesn't seem to miss these days, and Geoffrey Rush is delightful to watch, as always.  A very thoughtful, inspiring film.
5. The Town
The Town
Directed by: Ben Affleck
Released: September
A long time ago, i would have told you Ben Affleck was brilliant.  A few years after that i would have told you he was a total schmuck.  Now i stand by my original statement.  Affleck is playing a huge role in bringing back the Boston crime drama.  And when he does it, it feels grittier and more realistic than all the others.  Acting-wise it's solid, but not the strongest of the bunch, but it doesn't need to be the strongest it's a movie driven by plot and action.  Sadly, The Town also becomes a vehicle for one of hollywood's finest to say goodbye.  Intense and breathtaking from start to finish this is definitely one of the top movies of the year.
*Note: If you buy the extended cut of the DVD... stick with the theatrical version, it's a tighter, cleaner telling of the story.
4. Toy Story 3
Toy Story 3
Directed by: Lee Unkrich
Released: June
A striking end to a wonderfully thought out and sweet story line that most of us have grown up with.  Toy Story first captured us in 1995 (i was 9), continued in 1999 (14) and now finishes over ten years later (24).  This was a great movie made stronger by sentimentality, being in the theater for Toy Story 3 one of my favorite movie going experiences of all time.  Coming to the theater for the matinee filled with small children, i was kicked and prodded and had popcorn spilled on me multiple times by the kid sitting next to me.  And as the movie drew to a close i was fighting so hard not to burst into tears.  Looking around i noticed a ton of 5-10 year olds smiling at the animated characters, and i also noticed a ton of 20 somethings fighting the same fight as me.  Thanks pixar for continuing to make movies that bridge the age gap, that captivate us, and that always teach us something valuable.  This movie is sure to win some awards this year, i'm just glad i got to grow up with Woody, Buzz, and Andy.
3. The Social Network
The Social Network
Directed By: David Fincher
Released: October
I already devoted a lengthy blog post to this movie this year, so i'm not gonna delve into it big time here. But to recap, Jesse Eisenberg is outstanding, Aaron Sorkin is outstanding, David Fincher is outstanding. it's #1 on everyone else's lists, why isn't it higher on mine?  Two reasons: 1. These other two were better. 2. i'm sick of technology and facebook.  (i realize the irony, as i state this on my blog).
2. The Fighter
The Fighter
Directed by: David O. Russell
Released: December
Give Christian Bale an Oscar already.  He just keeps astounding us.  Boxing movies tend to be eerily similar in their production values and story line.  What sets this apart is that it carries most of the cliche's but it's also carried by performance.  Christian Bale, as i said, is absolutely astounding.  Amy Adams is flawless.  Melissa Leo nails it.  Mark Wahlberg... he's good.  But he serves his purpose perfectly, i think that's the misconception about this movie.  To me, Wahlberg isn't the lead, he's the glue or the facilitator of the plot, because of him (the closest to normal) we are introduced to all of these other complex and interesting characters.  If it's Mark Wahlberg's story, it's Christian Bale's movie.  The choices he made were so interesting that i had trouble taking my eyes off of him for two hours.  He does enough to push this to number 2 for me.  i'm also a sucker for stories about brothers.
1. Inception
Directed By: Christopher Nolan
Released: July
it incenses me that this has fallen behind the pack in awards voting.  i think there are two reasons for this, we tend to put a heavier weight on the lower budget, independent films around awards season, and it's a victim of a very early summer release date. 1) This movie was innovative: Nolan has introduced so much with this film, clever subplots, new special effects, original storytelling.  2) it was thought provoking: my favorite question to ask after this movie has been, 'explain to me in one concise sentence what the main story in this movie is.'  it's wonderful because EVERYONE has given me a different answer and that's what a good film should do, mean something different to everyone.  3) it has complex plots and simple plots: the dream with a dream within a dream, obviously a brilliantly laid out complex plot.  A love story between two people trying to let go, a young adult coming to terms with his father's legacy- simple, identifiable plots hidden within a complex story.  4) it has tons of action: Joseph Gordon Levitt's sequences in the spinning hotel room are already iconic, and there's so much more to go along with that.  5) Well thought out characters: Cobb, Arthur, Saito, Eames, etc... all relatively hashed out and easy to fall in step with.  And the greatest aspect of this movie to me is also another of my favorite 'theater experiences' of the year.  Having such a complex, intense, driven movie for 2+ hours, but what truly puts everyone on their seat is such a simple shot.  You can feel the audience holding their breath for the conclusion.  And like all good pieces of art, it's a conclusion that you don't get the satisfaction of being laid out for you.  Keep thinking. Keep watching... tell me The Social Network was better than this and i'll respect your opinion... but i'll secretly be judging you.

In Conclusion... Sorry i promised not to get long winded and i did anyways, but i'm not sitting next to you, so just tell me you read it all.  Like i said, i left out some stuff i didn't see, but i'm actually quite proud of my list and looking forward to the upcoming awards season.  Like always, thanks for reading... also if you did ACTUALLY hate Robin Hood, i don't hate you.  But again, i'm secretly judging you.  If you have a rebuttal, please let me know, in case you haven't noticed movies are kind of my favorite thing to talk about in the world.

Friday, December 10, 2010

My Top Ten Albums of 2010

 Without music life would be a mistake.  ~Nietzsche

   2010 was a good year for music, at least in my opinion... and that's all this is... i'm not Rolling Stone.  That's at your local book store they probably did their own top ten list, and it's probably better.  Go get it if that's what you want.  My opinion is free though... 
   Anyways.  2010 brought us some great musical movements (a renaissance in hip hop, and a resurgence of folk music.), and some musical movements i will be embarrassed to tell my kids about one day (Justin Bieber... Justin Bieber's hair... Justin Bieber's ego).
   All in all i'm very happy about the music i have stored up for the winter and, without further ado, here are the CD's i will be hibernating with, my Top Ten Albums of 2010:

# 10
Flamingo - Brandon Flowers
Release Date: 9/14/10
  "Didn't anyone tell you?  The house will always win?"  When The Killers finished work on Day and Age and a Live at Royal Albert Hall album Brandon Flowers was apparently ready to immediately get back to work.  The rest of the band, however, was ready to take a break.  So Flowers set out on his own.  I'm a huge Killers fan, ever since my college roommate introduced me to the band, so i was pretty nervous when i heard Brandon Flowers was taking his act solo. (Although it's hard to go wrong when Daniel Lanois is on board)  The end result was surprising, he tells us stories through the eyes of his Las Vegas roots, switching from the seedy to showy side of the city without warning and keeping listeners on their toes.  The arrangements don't seem a significant leap from what we would hear from The Killers, but it makes sense, considering these songs were written for the whole band.  There are moments when Brandon Flowers reminds me of Springsteen with synthesizers.  Also according to him he has enough songs to keep releasing CD's with or without the band.  Can't wait.
Favorite Songs: Playing With Fire, Crossfire, Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas
I And Love And You - The Avett Brothers
Release Date: 2/5/10
  I missed this wagon when they first came around, and i continued to miss it for the next 8 years.  Surprising considered they come from one state up, but i have a tendency to wear blinders.  Fortunately a dear friend of mine introduced me to them about a month or more ago and they have rarely left my ipod since then.  I love the arrangements of music, the dominance of a piano, the musical versatility of the brothers, the harmonies between the two, the lyrics, but more than anything, the heartfelt truthfulness that resonates from listening and watching them play.  There's no mistake they are excited to be here and excited to share.  The Title Song is probably the most easily accessible example of all these things, but it's the first song on the album and it only gets better from there.  (Also probably win my award for coolest cover art of the 10)  The Avett Brothers also released a live album in October.  Glad i'm on the wagon now, so i can be on the look out for the next one.
Favorite Songs: Heart Full of Doubt/Road Full of Promise, I And Love And You
Plastic Beach- Gorillaz
Release Date: 5/5/10
  This one actually didn't catch my attention until i saw the video for Stylo, which is now on this blog twice.  Because it's awesome.  Come on... this CD deserves to be on the list solely for doing a video while being chased by Bruce Willis.  The thing i continue to love about The Gorillaz, is that the more you listen to them, the better their songs get, because most of the time they are flooding listeners with so much stimulus that it takes multiple listens to be able to piece together the story they are telling.  Gorillaz remains one of the few mainstream acts that has a strong concept and has a lot of fun playing with it, and it is apparent to their audience.  And if you like featuring artists how does this sound: Mos Def, Snoop Dogg, Bobby Womack, Lou Reed, Paul Simon, De La Soul, etc.  Word of advice if you are going to try to go on itunes and 'pick off' the singles don't waste your time.  This is a complete work Track 1 - 18 (18 tracks on the deluxe.) 
Favorites: I'm not telling you.  Read the last damn sentence.
The Wild Hunt - The Tallest Man on Earth 
Release Date: 4/12/10 
  To know me, is to instantly understand why this guy made my list.  The Tallest Man on Earth was my favorite discovery this year, and The Tallest Man On Earth actually happens to be a Swede by the name of Kristian Matsson.  He has stolen the heart and the soul of folk music straight from those Baby Boomers whose generation perfected the genre.  I credit him with this, not just because he sounds like Bob Dylan's prodigy, but because he is more than a songwriter, he is a poet.  I'm usually harsh on Dylan "sound a-likes" but his lyrical structure is so sound, i can't do anything but be amazed.  His nasal, and ragged vocal stylings flow so smoothly on top of his six string picking that he sounds like he belongs in an era 20 years before.  But i'm really glad he wound up in this one.  
Favorite Songs: A Lion's Heart, Troubles Will Be Gone, Burden of Tomorrow
Suburbs- Arcade Fire
Release Date: 8/3/10 
  I'm aware that every other musical publication has this much higher on their list, but like i said my opinion is free.  Don't get me wrong, i really like Arcade Fire, i'm just not always in the mood for Arcade Fire, which is why a great album that should be #2 or #3 is listed 6th on my list.  That being said, when i am in the mood for Arcade Fire i can only describe their sound as Epic.  They seem to get the structure of a well-made-song, and they seem to find a way to blend so many sounds brilliantly.  I also think they recaptured a feel and a sound that made them so brilliant with Funeral and was diminished on Neon Bible.  That bitter- sweetness that makes you wonder where you stand when the song is over.  Arcade Fire is on a bit of a hot streak.  I mean how can you not be when Spike Jonze makes a movie for you?
Favorite Songs: City With No Children, Sprawls II (Mountains Beyond Mountains) 
Junky Star - Ryan Bingham & The Dead Horses
Release Date: 8/31/10
  Ryan Bingham achieved wonderful success and hit the national spotlight this year with his Oscar winning song The Weary Kind from the film Crazy Heart.  The Oscar set loads of expectations on Bingham, considering he was a country star with only a cult following before the infamous T-Bone Burnett partnered up with him for the movie soundtrack.  How did he handle the expectations?  He picked up a band and put together a 13 track play list that is a powerful anthem during this country's recession.  This folk/country hybrid has some catchy songs, some painfully depressing songs, and lyrics that sound like they should be coming directly out of Tom Joad's mouth ("Don't fear the vendor, a dream can be bought, as long as you don't sell what you've been fighting for.")  In a country where a lot of us aren't sure what move to make next it feels good to at least know we're not alone.  Bingham's gritty voice and thoughtful songs capture that perfectly.
Favorites: The Wandering, Depression, Hallelujah (not that one) 
Recovery - Eminem
Release Date: 6/21/10
  Uplifting, Inspiring, Apologetic.  Eminem?  Really?  Angry.  Violent.  Abusive.  Ok, that's more like it.  He blends the two sides of the man together to make the most honest, self-effacing piece of work that he's ever done.  Honestly i thought this would be at the top of my list when it came out in June, but 4 isn't bad either... and it's not like he cares.  Relapse was not a good CD.  And i was dreading the relapse 'companion' but then he scrapped that, there started to be rumors of the old Marshall Mathers... but better.  And all of the sudden this CD drops that blows everyone away.  Listen to it closely, from a tempo perspective... you can't invent that, it's inhuman, he changes his scheme constantly, he fits words in rhyme schemes that don't even belong in the same sentence together!  But it works, fantastically.  From suicide, to alcohol/drug abuse, to jealousy, Eminem is in confession, and we are on the other side listening, and it's beautiful. 
Favorites: No Love, Not Afraid, Love The Way You Lie  (He also gave us one of the best videos of the year)
God Willin' & The Creek Don't Rise - Ray Lamontagne and the Pariah Dogs
Release Date: 8/17/10
  Ray Lamontagne for the last few years has been one of my very favorite artists.  He is a paradox, i can't think of another musician who makes me choke up in despair and laugh out of hopefulness at the same time... but he does it with every line.  This effect is achieved from the rich, soulful voice coupled with the haunting simplicity of his lyrics.  Whether by coincidence or by me morphing circumstances in my head Every CD he has released has found a way to fit seamlessly into what's going on in my life at the time.  On this Album he's picked up the Pariah Dogs, who have done wonders backing him up, they expand his musical range, and a traditionally "folksy" artist can be heard with new influences, Bluegrass, R&B, Blues, Country, and Funk.  The range has brought us Ray's best CD yet.
Favorites: New York City's Killing Me, The Devil's in the Jukebox, For The Summer 
High Violet - The National 
Release Date: 5/10/10
   By conventional music standards, The National are not supposed to be good.  They are cadenced, they are overly repetitive, they lacks levels.  But... they break the mold and they are one of the most brilliantly captivating acts around.  This band destroys convention.  Why does it work?  Because not one. single. thing. about The National comes off as contrived.  Nothing is forced, from the subtle slip in of the horns, to the faint guitar, to the dominant drum line, it all blends into musical masterpiece.  The rich baritone of Matt Berninger is nothing but icing on the cake.   And that's all without touching the politically charged, romantically sound, socially conscious lyrics.  Why is this the best indie rock band in music?  It's because  Berninger, the brothers Dessner, and the brothers Devendorf are not an indie rock band.  When they hit the stage or the studio they are a living musical organism, blending everything into one.  And that's why conventions are out the window.  Plus they are so freaking cool.
Favorite Songs: Sorrow, Runaway, Bloodbuzz Ohio 
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy - Kanye West
Release Date: 11/22/10
  First of all... Kanye.  Your cover art.  It's not good.  But then again... that's Kanye.  As i've documented on this blog (yes. i linked you to my own blog.).  And as i'm sure you've seen EVERYWHERE Kanye is weird.  He blows up about his cover art not being allowed and throws a tantrum and the cover arts not even that good!  Then a week later, he drops the album of the year on your lap.  I mean maybe the fact that he's crazy is a testament to his brilliance.  Whether you are a fan of hip hop or not you have to appreciate the artistic integrity with this album. This album saw Nicki Minaj's introduction and unveiling as hip-hops newest superstar, it saw indie main-stay Bon Iver make an appearance, we heard The Godfather of hip hop, Jay-Z, drop a killer verse on the track Monster, we 'toasted the douchebags', saw a cameo by R&B superstar John Legend (Blame Game), Then Bon Iver came back for an encore, Kanye finished incredibly strong by bringing in spoken word legend Gil Scott Heron to finish it out with a monologue. (Who Will Survive In America).  And that is just the CD.  There was a film, there were two (ONE, TWO) live performances that were so good they are being credited with helping to revive SNL's season, there were outbursts, apologies, and at the end of it all Kanye didn't give us an album.  He gave us an experience.  He didn't give us a release date, he gave us an opportunity to watch his long road back from the Taylor Swift debacleHe made his strongest argument for his legacy through his art. He put together great beats, a beautiful dance piece, ridiculously poetic lyrics.  And --  I don't mean to be rude i'm really happy for you and... imma let you finish.  But i think Kanye West just gave us one of the best albums of all time.  All joking aside Kanye said it best on his song Power, "At the end of the day.  Goddammit i'm Killing this Shit." Yes.  Yes you are.  Be as crazy as you want.  Just don't stop.
Favorite Songs: i just said: one of the best albums of all time. 

Wow... that took a while.  if anyone at all reads this (sarcastic laughter) and you have different picks, let me know... odds are i missed it.  Thanks for reading (Louder sarcastic laughter).

Sunday, November 21, 2010

"The Dolphin's Smile is Nature's Greatest Deception"

The Cove

Wow.   James Bond?  A Hollywood-made Expose?  No.  This is a documentary.  But it is very hard to remember that at times.  Whether it's our heroes planting cameras in the dead of night, or running from police tails, this never actually feels like a real story.  Until it becomes to real to ignore.  If you have not yet seen this movie you are missing something beautiful and alarming and deeply tragic.  
This is a documentary seen through the eyes of Richard O'Barry, the trainer and captor of the Flipper dolphins for the 1965 television series.
Ric O'Barry

Richard O'Barry narrates his change of heart towards the captivity of dolphins and brings us to Taijii where there is some extremely troubling treatment of animals going on.  As an audience member we watch as an "ocean's 11-like" team is assembled with state-of-the-art equipment to break into an area of Japan that is very viciously guarded by fisherman and local authorities, in order to document the heinous acts that not even some members of the Japanese public know about.  

This story is heartbreaking and somewhat graphic.  But it also shows a beauty and a deep appreciation for an animal that just may be the closest to us in brain capacity and personality.  This juxtaposition is encapsulated in one sequence where we watch as a free-diver is approached underwater by a wild dolphin, and the two develop a very personal bond right before our eyes, as if they are dancing... just a few minutes later we watch as the same free-diver has to watch a dolphin struggle to escape a massacre and dies right before her eyes.  it is tragic sequence but unfortunately the worst is yet to come.

i post this blog not because it is an exciting adventure (it is), or because I needed something new to blog about (i did), but because this story NEEDS to be told.  This is something that you can't watch and continue to look the other way.  You will be entertained but you will be moved.  Tremendously.  It is a Netflix Instant play, and if you don't have Netflix,  i'm sure it won't be hard to find, it is an Oscar winner.  Please watch.

The Cove Trailer

if you watch it, and it touches you the same way it has me... here are some things you can do.

More Information/Sign the Petition 

My Friend.  PSA

Watch.  Do Something.

Monday, November 8, 2010

"We Are Such Stuff as Dreams are Made On"

Here comes the vamp:

Helen Mirren, Chris Cooper, Djimon Hounsou, David Strathairn, Alan Cumming, Alfred Molina, Russell Brand, Ben Whishaw

Sold yet?
It's Directed by:
Julie Taymor

You may be familiar with her track record, Broadway's Lion King, Frida, Across The Universe, Titus, etc.

She's had one or two hits...
Sold yet?

i'm a sucker for a good Shakespeare adaptation.  One of my favorite plays from Shakespeare, a wonderful cast, and a visually stunning director.  it's getting to be that time of year for studios to start letting their oscar horses out of the gate, i can't wait.